Common Winter Pet Emergencies in Kittery, ME

puppy on snowy deck in winter

Winter brings snow-covered landscapes and cozy fireside moments, but it can also pose unique challenges for pet owners. The frosty season in Kittery, Maine, is beautiful, but it can be tough on our furry companions. As responsible pet parents, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential winter hazards and take preventive measures to protect your pets. In this blog, we’ll explore some common winter pet emergencies in Kittery, ME, and offer tips on how to keep your pets safe and sound during the chilly months.

Hypothermia and Frostbite

Symptoms: Shivering, cold or discolored extremities, lethargy, and difficulty walking.

Prevention: Limit outdoor exposure, especially on extremely cold days. Provide your pet with warm bedding and ensure they have a cozy place indoors. Dress them in suitable pet winter gear if needed.

Antifreeze Poisoning

Symptoms: Vomiting, excessive thirst, stumbling, seizures, and a drunken appearance.

Prevention: Be cautious when using antifreeze, as it is toxic to pets. Ensure all spills are cleaned promptly, and store antifreeze containers out of your pet’s reach.

Slip and Fall Injuries

Symptoms: Limping, difficulty moving, and visible signs of pain.

Prevention: Keep your pet on a leash during walks to prevent slipping on icy sidewalks. Consider using booties designed for pets to provide traction.

Chilly Cars

Symptoms: Prolonged exposure to cold cars can lead to hypothermia in pets.

Prevention: Never leave your pet in a cold car, even for a short period. Always bring them inside with you.

Increased Appetite and Weight Gain

Symptoms: Cats and dogs may become less active during winter, leading to increased appetite and potential weight gain.

Prevention: Adjust your pet’s diet to accommodate their changing activity level. Monitor their weight and consult with your veterinarian if necessary.

Dry Skin and Cracked Paws

Symptoms: Itchy, flaky skin and cracked paw pads.

Prevention: Use pet-safe moisturizers and protect your pet’s paws with booties during walks. Keep your home properly humidified to prevent dry skin.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Symptoms: Lethargy, confusion, and difficulty breathing.

Prevention: Ensure your heating systems are well-maintained and free of carbon monoxide leaks. Install carbon monoxide detectors in your home.

Holiday Hazards

Symptoms: Ingestion of toxic holiday plants, decorations, or foods can lead to various symptoms depending on the toxicity of the item.

Prevention: Keep holiday plants and decorations out of your pet’s reach, and educate family members and guests about pet safety.

Keep Your Pet Safe This Winter!

Winter in Kittery, ME, offers its own unique set of challenges for pet owners. By being aware of these common winter pet emergencies and taking proactive measures, you can help keep your beloved pets safe, healthy, and comfortable during the colder months. If you ever find yourself facing a pet emergency, don’t hesitate to contact Piscataqua Animal Hospital. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional care for your pets, no matter the season.

If you have any concerns about your pet’s health or need assistance with a winter emergency, reach out to our expert team at Piscataqua Animal Hospital or call us at (207) 439-2661.